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Writer's pictureEve Sukia

"Embracing Celibacy: Navigating the Challenges of Saving Yourself Until Marriage as a Christian Woman"

I want to start by condemning the practice of sex outside of marriage. If you claim to be a Christian but you're sexually immoral, you are a liar. The Bible clearly states that our bodies are not our own and that the Holy Spirit dwells within us. How can we then say we are followers of Jesus Christ but continue in sin?

We have gotten too comfortable with sin and partaking in the world. We do not read the word of God, so we do not know him as we say we do. How can you profess that the Holy Spirit is leading you, but you continue in sin? Is it the Holy Spirit that leads us to sin? Not at all. We have to recognize that it is sin within our flesh and demonic influences that keep us in bondage and away from God.

If we are to honor God with our bodies, we should obey his word and abstain from sex until we are joined together in marriage. We say to ourselves, "god knows my heart," or "he's still working on me," to make ourselves feel better about the sins we commit. We use his grace as a way to sin, and when someone tries to correct us, we say they are judging us. The word of God tells us that we have a form of godliness but deny the power that changes us. We are liars, not God.

I want to stress the importance of being celibate until marriage. How can we expect God to honor us, bless us, and cover us if we are not pursuing his ways?

It's time to start honoring God and his sacrifice, Jesus Christ, who redeems us. We should repent and turn away from all sin. Don't you know that God's word says the sexually immoral will not inherit his kingdom, or do we choose to ignore that FACT? Instead, whether we acknowledge God's word or not, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. We will be judged according to what we know and what we do with the knowledge we have.

How can we possibly know God without knowing his written word? The Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved, yet we make excuses for not having time to dig into his word as we should. We prioritize everyone and everything before his word. People sit in church on Sunday, hear the word, and leave unchanged. We put trust in the Pastor and not God himself. Sometimes, we get caught up in religion without a complete understanding of who God is. We think that because we quote scriptures from the Bible, we are then saved. God deals with the heart and not the lies we speak with our mouths. We are confessing Jesus in one breath and sinning in the next. Jesus says only those who do his Father's will enter God's kingdom.

When we have sex outside of marriage, we are becoming one with those to whom we give our bodies. The lord does not share his dwelling place, and if we are to be the dwelling place of his spirit, we will only abide in him and his ways.

Do not deceive yourself into believing God is going to bless you in your sin because he will not. Many stories in the Bible show us that God hates sin, and many people died due to their sin and disobedience. You give Satan access to you when you disobey God. Be warned.

Therefore, I encourage you to get into the presence of God and repent for your sexually immoral ways. We all have a past and a future, so make the right decision to obey the lord fully in mind, body, and spirit. 

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