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Writer's pictureEve Sukia

Should you withhold sex as a Christian wife?

Many marriages are suffering from a lack of intimacy. I have also experienced a season of a sexless marriage. We will discuss many trials and tribulations that you may face in marriage. As always, we want to stand on the word of God as our guide and strength through our struggles.

As with most relationships, you start lovely with little to no issues, wanting to spend every waking moment with each other. That season, "Honeymoon Stage," is great, but be prepared for the season that will come to tear down and destroy your marriage. I believe these attacks come from the evil one because he hates unity and love. God uses these trials and tribulations to test and create endurance within the relationship. We often don't understand what God is doing and ask him to get us out of the situation instead of going through it. The longer you resist the process, the longer the journey. Take Israel getting to the Promised Land as an example. Their disobedience and resistance to God caused delay, and many people did not reach the intended destination. Disobedience is dangerous and deadly.

My husband and I went through a rough season with our blended family and disloyalty (no sexual sin). I was hurt and hated everyone involved, down to the person who was used as the middleman in the deception. I was devastated and disgusted by the actions of the people I thought cared for me. I forgave my husband(so I thought) and struggled to forgive others. I wanted nothing to do with his family, who betrayed me. God dealt with the hurt, pain, and discomfort I experienced as time went on. He also showed me my wrongdoing, as he always does, because we all have a role in the breakdown of any situation. There will be something we can learn and grow from. We should not take up a victim mentality but surrender the pain to God to grow us in his grace. He uses these opportunities to increase our endurance to offenses that we will face in life. The following year after the betrayal, I finally forgave those who hurt my heart. God placed my marriage in a better place from the experience, and healing was produced from pain. I focused so much on the hurt of the outsiders involved that I didn't realize I hadn't forgiven my husband. The Lord God opened my eyes, and healing took place in the secret place as I cried and poured myself out to him, who could make us whole again. In a twinkling, he restored my marriage and sanity regarding the matters.

A sexless marriage has a root cause; going into prayer and fasting is sometimes required for the Lord to reveal the cause. The flesh sometimes drives us. Therefore, the more you are in his presence, the more you overcome.

As women of God, we should believe his word that our bodies do not belong to us when we are married. God's word is clear, so surrender to God so that he can restore your marriage. Stop trying to punish your husband through sex; sometimes, it's not intentional, but if there is any unforgiveness, you are leaving room for Satan and his demons to destroy what God has put together. It doesn't matter what your husband has done. Allow God to deal with him. God has your back, so trust him in all things.

I encourage you to examine yourself and surrender all to God. He will help and lead you to submission, not only to your husband but to God. Be obedient through submission to your husband, no matter the circumstance.

Meditate on these scriptures:

1 Corinthians 7:2-5

James 1:2-4

Ephesians 5:22-33

1 Peter 3:7

Colossians 3:19

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